The GEA Project started in 2013 with a submission to the Arctic Council aimed to promote a dialogue on gender equality in the Arctic region and to raise awareness of the situation of women and men in the Arctic.
The idea of the Project is based on the growing geopolitical and global economic significance of the Arctic region, as well as on climate change and resource and economic development. The changes occurring in the Arctic – ecological, social and economic – affect both men and women although sometimes in different ways.
The purpose of the Project is to promote an extensive, policy-relevant dialogue on issues of gender equality in the Arctic region in the context of current realities in terms of economic and social development as well as current and future challenges, inter alia relating to climatic and environmental changes.
Phase I
Phase I of the Project was completed with the Conference Report Gender Equality in the Arctic. Current Realities, Future Challenges.
Phase II
Phase II of the Project promoted and expanded the dialogue on Gender, Diversity and Equality in the Arctic through developing the website, the blog, and selected materials database.
Phase III
The main component of the Phase III of the Project is the Pan-Arctic Report on Gender Issues in the Arctic.